“I always feel the desire to look for the extraordinary in everyday life; to suggest, not to impose, to leave always a slight touch of mystery in my paintings.”
The words of Balthus express the essence of my own thoughts. Currently I work with construction elements and natural materials to give them a new sculptural and poetic significance.I believe that all visible objects contain other realities and meanings behind their outward appearance.
Decaying nature often inspires me. My sculptures are an attempt to capture the traces of passing time caused by wind, rain, soil or the human hand. I pick up abandoned environmental and metallic waste (rusted objects, dry leaves, and a variety of little things that no longer have any value). I then incorporate them into my working process so that they lose their vulnerability and become durable, halting all decomposition. A new sense of beauty appears that is different, unexpected and very sui generis.
I strive to establish a dialogue between decomposing plant elements (leaves, fruit, wood) and waste materials. A brick, powerful, rectangular and masculine, merges with a pomegranate, fragile, round and feminine. When these remains are taken out of their context, they acquire a new significance and escape from the decay caused by passing time. The everyday object has been infused with a new meaning. Passing time has been captured.
My cultural references include Brancusi, Noguchi, Balthus and several other artists in addition to literature, particularly poetry.
Atrium, academy of drawing and painting
Brita Prinz, serigraphy workshop (silk screen painting)
School of ceramics, “Escuela de ceramica de la Moncloa”
Belgian. Resident in Spain.
Liberal Arts graduate from the University of Lovain (Belgium)
Member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Belgium and Luxemburg in Spain
Member of Sculpture Network
Member of the Foundation “Carlos de Amberes”
Solo exhibitions
- 2008: Belgian pavilion. Zaragoza. International Expo.
- 2010: Arts Center. Torrelodones. “Connections”
- 2011: Art Gallery Atalante. “Air”
- 2017:
- Hotel Hesperia. Madrid.
- I International Art Fair. Málaga (Spain)
Group exhibitions
- 2003-2007: Group exhibitions of ceramic sculptures with the School of Ceramics
- Ministry of Agriculture. Madrid
- Arts Circle. Toledo
- Arts Circle. Alarcón
- 2012: Art Gallery Atalante. Madrid. “Encontr’Arte”
- 2013:
- “L’Art pour l’Accueil”. Brussels
- AAF (Affordable Art Fair) New York. The United Gallery.
- Art Santa Fe (USA)
- “Spanish artists in Korea”. Daegu.
- 2014:
- Arts Center. Torrelodones. “Femininities”
- AAF “Adopt Art”. Brussels
- Donostiartean Fair. San Sebastián.
- AAF Hamburg
- 2015: AAF Brussels
- 2016:
- International Art Fair DEARTE. Madrid
- Arts Center. Torrelodones. “Femininities II”
- 2017:
- International Art Fair : Berliner Liste. (Germany)
- Feriarte. Art and Antiques Fair. Madrid
- 2018:
- SumARTE Ateneo – Madrid
- Studio Lisboa 018. Portugal
- Cannes Art3F 2018. France
Solo exhibitions:
- 1992: Palacio de Gaviria (Madrid)
- 1996: Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo. Madrid
- 1997: Caja de Ahorros. Gent (Bélgica)
Collective exhibitions:
- 1991: XII Premio Peña. Atrium
- 1992: Colectiva de obras gráficas. Galería Brita Prinz. Madrid
- 1993:
- Cuatro pintores belgas, Galería Van Art. Madrid
- Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo. Madrid
- 1994: “Ficciones”, arte sobre papel. Galería Van Art. Madrid.
- 1995: Seis Artistas contemporáneos. Caja de Ahorros. Burgos
- 1997: Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo. Granada
- 1999: Tres artistas belgas. Galería Rina Bouwen. Madrid,
- 2000: “Lapislázuli”, obra gráfica. Galería Brita Prinz (serigrafía). Madrid.
- 2001: Tres artistas, Hotel Don Carlos. Marbella.
- Price “Plus es más”, Ediciones Bayard, Spain
- Chamber of Commerce of Belgium and Luxemburg in Spain
- First award. International Association of Women. Madrid (2004)
- Revista Plaform Press. Abril 2000. Foto portada + artículo
- Revista “Plus es más”- Primavera 2012. “Viviane Brickmanne, escultora emergente”.
- Proyecto sobre Conservación de Escultura Contemporánea”. Estudio de la escutura “Euridice” para la Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2014). Ana Seisdedos Ribera.
- 26 junio 2014: Recepción y visita del estudio de la artista organizada en colaboración con la Cámara de Comercio de Bélgica y Luxemburgo en España. Tema: El lenguaje de la escultura.
- 3 marzo 2015: Visita de la Fundición Capa en colaboración con Sculpture Network y la Cámara de Comercio de Bélgica y Luxemburgo en España. Organización.
- 14 septiembre 2016: Recepción en casa del artista en Torrelodones. Tema: Bricks & Nature
WORKS (selection)
Photos: Carlos Uralde, Luis Antonio Barajas, Martín de la Herrán
Instagram: vivianebrickmanne